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Treat Your Friends & Family to What They Want

Send customized, personalized gifts that recipients are guaranteed to like. Use Giftly to treat your friends & family to any business: from national chains to local shops.
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Branded and Personalized Bulk Gifts

Corporate Rewards & Incentives

Illustration of a sample corporate reward for work

Looking for rewards, incentives, or recognition for your teammates and customers? Check out Giftly's corporate platform and send customized gifts at scale!

From Coast to Coast.
Find Local Gifts for Your Loved Ones Anywhere.

Sending a Giftly is Easy and Flexible

With Giftly, you can email, text, or send a physical card. You can even print it yourself!

Email or Text

Delivered in a customized e-greeting card instantly or scheduled for a future date.

Send by Mail

Printed and shipped to you or the recipient in a greeting card via first-class or priority mail.

Print at Home

Print and fold yourself so you have a gift in hand in just minutes.

100% Satisfaction

Buy a Gift

Easy and convenient way to spread cheer, you get what you exactly want! As long as they give you enough!

Bob M.
Giftly Recipient (Pottstown, Pennsylvania)

Never heard of Giftly until my daughter sent me a birthday present. What a great idea, and so many options. Very good!

Donna C.
Giftly Recipient (Spokane, Washington)

It was a nice surprise and easily redeemed. Very flexible.

Kelly B.
Giftly Recipient (Bel Air, Maryland)

It's a nice and easy way to tell someone how much you appreciate them.

Giftly Recipient (Orlando, FL)

Great way to give a gift to someone who lives thousands of miles away. They receive the gift the day-of and you skip the hassle of mailing it out and hoping that it arrives on time.

Alicia T.
Giftly Buyer (Waynesville, North Carolina)

I like the idea of being able to receive the gift through a credit to my bank account instead of having to use it to buy online all the time.

Giftly Recipient (Syracuse, NY)

Fast, fun and easy to use, not just for me but for my friend who was the recipient of the gift.

Jeanette S.
Giftly Buyer (Trophy Club, Texas)

VERY great idea! I was a recipient and was very pleased with my gift!

Giftly Recipient (Krum, TX)

This was such an easy process. What a great idea!

Sharon K.
Giftly Recipient (Baltimore, Maryland)

Convenient and easy for gift giving from a family member far away.

Sheila G.
Giftly Recipient (Goshen, Indiana)

It's so easy and quick to use! It's also a fun way to send someone a gift and surprise them!

Steph P.
Giftly Recipient (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)

Convenient when I knew I wanted to get a gift to thank someone but not sure how to get to the facility. It allows for you to buy anything anywhere for any amount and not have to drive.

Lysa M.
Giftly Buyer (Chester Springs, Pennsylvania)

Easy and convenient way to spread cheer, you get what you exactly want! As long as they give you enough!

Bob M.
Giftly Recipient (Pottstown, Pennsylvania)

Never heard of Giftly until my daughter sent me a birthday present. What a great idea, and so many options. Very good!

Donna C.
Giftly Recipient (Spokane, Washington)

It was a nice surprise and easily redeemed. Very flexible.

Kelly B.
Giftly Recipient (Bel Air, Maryland)

It's a nice and easy way to tell someone how much you appreciate them.

Giftly Recipient (Orlando, FL)

Great way to give a gift to someone who lives thousands of miles away. They receive the gift the day-of and you skip the hassle of mailing it out and hoping that it arrives on time.

Alicia T.
Giftly Buyer (Waynesville, North Carolina)

I like the idea of being able to receive the gift through a credit to my bank account instead of having to use it to buy online all the time.

Giftly Recipient (Syracuse, NY)

Fast, fun and easy to use, not just for me but for my friend who was the recipient of the gift.

Jeanette S.
Giftly Buyer (Trophy Club, Texas)

VERY great idea! I was a recipient and was very pleased with my gift!

Giftly Recipient (Krum, TX)

This was such an easy process. What a great idea!

Sharon K.
Giftly Recipient (Baltimore, Maryland)

Convenient and easy for gift giving from a family member far away.

Sheila G.
Giftly Recipient (Goshen, Indiana)

It's so easy and quick to use! It's also a fun way to send someone a gift and surprise them!

Steph P.
Giftly Recipient (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)

Convenient when I knew I wanted to get a gift to thank someone but not sure how to get to the facility. It allows for you to buy anything anywhere for any amount and not have to drive.

Lysa M.
Giftly Buyer (Chester Springs, Pennsylvania)

Easy and convenient way to spread cheer, you get what you exactly want! As long as they give you enough!

Bob M.
Giftly Recipient (Pottstown, Pennsylvania)

Never heard of Giftly until my daughter sent me a birthday present. What a great idea, and so many options. Very good!

Donna C.
Giftly Recipient (Spokane, Washington)

It was a nice surprise and easily redeemed. Very flexible.

Kelly B.
Giftly Recipient (Bel Air, Maryland)

It's a nice and easy way to tell someone how much you appreciate them.

Giftly Recipient (Orlando, FL)

Great way to give a gift to someone who lives thousands of miles away. They receive the gift the day-of and you skip the hassle of mailing it out and hoping that it arrives on time.

Alicia T.
Giftly Buyer (Waynesville, North Carolina)

I like the idea of being able to receive the gift through a credit to my bank account instead of having to use it to buy online all the time.

Giftly Recipient (Syracuse, NY)

Fast, fun and easy to use, not just for me but for my friend who was the recipient of the gift.

Jeanette S.
Giftly Buyer (Trophy Club, Texas)

VERY great idea! I was a recipient and was very pleased with my gift!

Giftly Recipient (Krum, TX)

This was such an easy process. What a great idea!

Sharon K.
Giftly Recipient (Baltimore, Maryland)

Convenient and easy for gift giving from a family member far away.

Sheila G.
Giftly Recipient (Goshen, Indiana)

It's so easy and quick to use! It's also a fun way to send someone a gift and surprise them!

Steph P.
Giftly Recipient (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)

Convenient when I knew I wanted to get a gift to thank someone but not sure how to get to the facility. It allows for you to buy anything anywhere for any amount and not have to drive.

Lysa M.
Giftly Buyer (Chester Springs, Pennsylvania)
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